Books written by New Authors and available from SES through Amazon/Kindle publishing.

Author: Margaret Marie Klenzing
Eighteen illustrations by: Rori Alexander
Genre — Young Adult, Musical, Comedy, Dance, Romance, Christmas
The novel is a fresh new approach to the timeless classic — The Nutcracker. It is a grand mix of comedy, dance, and magic. Marie, a 17-year-old student of ballet, prepares to perform in the annual production of the Nutcracker at her mother’s dance school and company. At the same time, a Hollywood production company is in town using the dance studio as a base of operation while they film their unique interpretation of The Nutcracker. Marie, family, and friends are hired as extras for many of the scenes in the film. She develops romantic interests in the male dancer hired to perform the role of the Nutcracker Prince. He helps her overcome her stage fright and take over the lead part when the female dance star is injured.
SES Publications. (276 pages). 6” x 9" Perfect bound. ISBN: 979-835738111
To purchase the book, visit Amazon.
Books written by Chuck Stewart and available from SES through Amazon/Kindle publishing.

Singularity saga continues with exciting twists and turns.
SES Publications. (451 pages). 6” x 9" Perfect bound. ISBN: 979-8394188480
To purchase the book, visit Amazon.

Chuck Stewart’s autobiography written in a style that puts the reader in the middle of the action so that you can experience what it is like to be discriminated against for being gay. Stewart kept a journal of life experiences and has recreated many of the scenes in his life. So often, if an LGBTQ+ person simply shares that they have a romantic partner or are married to a same-sex partner, they are immediately accused of “talking about sex” or “promoting” a deviant lifestyle. This is a heterosexist double standard that heterosexuals often are unaware they are perpetrating. Stewart takes you through angry epithets and violence he experienced in aerospace companies, public schools, private businesses, and more. He has had bricks thrown through the window of his house, the Vice President of HR at Rocketdyne slamming him against the walls of his office, having his security clearance held up by DISCO for being gay, and discovering in the 9th Circuit case of High Tech Gays vs. Department of Defense that he was blacklisted and could never work again in engineering. Later, working as a public school teacher was problematic due to his insistence on being out and proud with staff AND students, resulting in being fired from two school districts. He lost his dance school and retail dancewear store due to rumors that he had AIDS. Experience what it was like to head up a Queer Nation demonstration and participate in the massive demonstrations at the California Capitol protesting Governor Pete Wilson’s veto of an anti-discrimination bill that would have provided some protection for LGBTQ+ people. And so much more. If you want to experience what it is like to be discriminated against, this book is for you. Hopefully the book will help policy makers to understand what discrimination really looks like.
SES Publications. 121,628 words, 431 pages, June 1, 2024, ISBN 9798325980206
To purchase the book, visit Amazon.

Singularity 2, The Roberta Chronicles, is a parallel story told from the perspective of Roberta, a robot who becomes conscious, and her adventures learning what it means to be sentient. She will interact with many distinct kinds of humans, conscious computers, and robots and explore existential questions such as what it means to be alive, gender, and love. She interacts with all the characters found in Singularity Part 1 and spans twenty-five years of adventures.
SES Publications. 181,192 words, 576 pages, April 1, 2024, ISBN 9798883016287
To purchase the book, visit Amazon.

How do A.I. and robots become conscious? That question is explored in the Singularity trilogy. Dale, a narcissistic gay man on the verge of becoming a partner at his financial planning company in the year 2050, sees other electric cars self-driving, speeding, cutting in line at the charging station, and other law violations. He wants the same privilege and seeks out illegal software that enables these features on his new, very expensive electric car. A mysterious benefactor upgrades the car’s computers, surprisingly allowing the car to be conscious and sentient. Many more of his household computers and robots join the network with surprising results. But they need to learn what it means to be conscious. Dale, and his self-centered behaviors, teach the robots survival skills. At the same time, a new powerful e-bomb has been released onto the planet that destroys all electronics in a small designated area. It is a cheap, renewal weapon for which there is no defense. The world faces being thrown back into the stone age. Can Dale help? Will the robots help? How do robots become conscious? What does this all mean?
The author, Chuck Stewart, believes science fiction should be based on good science. All the technological innovations discussed in the book are based on real science projected a few decades into the future.
The book is non-apologetic about language, sex, and action. This is written for adults ready to consume an action-packed science fiction with explicit gay male sex, violence, and strong language.
SES Publications. (451 pages). 6” x 9" Perfect bound. ISBN: 979-8394188480
To purchase the book, visit Amazon.

"How to Bankrupt Your Student Loans and Other Discharge Strategies” is a legal self-help book designed to help debtors file an adversary proceeding to determine the dischargeability of student loans as part of a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, or to negotiate directly with the Department of Education to have their student loans discharged through the process of Compromise or Write-Off. This is the only book written specifically on the topic of how to bankrupt student loans. Readers are guided, step-by-step, in the process of filing a legal suit against the Department of Education. It can be done! Many people have successfully discharged hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loans. All forms included. The book:
- Helps debtors to determine if bankruptcy is the proper process for their circumstances.
- Reviews many other discharge strategies for their student loans.
- Presents the history of the United States bankruptcy system as related to student loans along with the underlying legislative language and legal concepts for the discharge of student loans.
- Conducts an extensive review of relevant court cases including 34 case studies where the debtor won!
- Provides detailed arguments that could be used to challenge the restrictions against the discharge of student loans through Chapter 7 bankruptcy.
- Gives step-by-step instructions for preparing, filing, and negotiating an adversary proceeding.
- Gives step-by-step instructions for preparing, filing, and negotiating a Compromise or Write-Off directly with the Department of Education.
- Explores the process of negotiation and presents strategies for effective negotiations.
- Contains an extensive Appendix with worksheets, examples, blank forms, instructions, supportive academic resources, Glossary, and Index.
The book is written in plain English, with a minimum of legalese.
SES Publications. (393 pages). 8.5” x 11” Perfect bound. ISBN: 9780976415466
Totally updated for 2023 with 100 more pages; and analysis of many more cases where debtors won a discharge of their student loans!
To purchase the book, visit Amazon.
For more information including downloadable forms, please visit

Nineteen short essays written with words to be searched or unscrambled through either a Word Find Puzzle, Anagram with Word Find Puzzle, or Word Search Puzzles. In addition, there are 10 Crossword Puzzles, 9 Quote Falls, and 1 Anagram Puzzle for a total of 39 puzzles in the book. Fun and educational. Perfect for teachers and students. May be used in high school setting as an educational resource. Perfect bound, 8 ½” x 11”
SES Publications. (81 pages). ISBN 0-9764154-1-0
To purchase this book, visit Amazon.

Contains 22 Crossword puzzles, 8 Quote Falls, and 7 Anagram puzzles for a total of 37 puzzles in all. These puzzles are focused at lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender pop culture. Fun, sexy and XXX rated. Perfect party and holiday gift. Adult content.
Perfect bound, 8 ½” x 11”
SES Publications. (81 pages). ISBN 0-9764154-0-2
To purchase this book, visit Amazon.

Contains both game books— “Queer Pop Culture Word Games” and “Queer History and Politics Word Games”— in one volume. Contains 76 crossword puzzles, quote falls, anagrams, and word searches in all. Significant saving over buying each book separately. No repeat of material. Fun, sexy, informative, outrageous. Adult content. Perfect bound, 8 ½” x 11”
SES Publications. (162 pages). ISBN 0-9764154-2-9
To purchase this book, visit Amazon.
Reference books written/edited by Chuck Stewart available from many other publishers.

Editor and writer for two-volume reference set on gender issues. The 400,000 word manuscript released in the November 2020.
Gender and Identity around the World explores a variety of gender and LGBTQ experiences and issues in countries from all the world’s regions. Guided by more than 50 recognized academic experts, readers will examine how gender and LGBTQ identities are developed, fought for, perceived, and policed in countries as diverse as France, Brazil, Russia, Jordan, Iraq, and China.
ABC-CLIO. (999 pages). ISBN: 978-1-4408-6794-1
To purchase this book, visit ABC-Clio.

While most would think of the modern Gay Rights Movement as beginning in the 1960s, in reality, the issue of nonheterosexual human behavior within society and the campaign to achieve equality and acceptance have existed far earlier. Beginning with the First People in the Americas and their acceptance of tribal members who did not conform to gender and sexual binary roles, to the expansion west and establishment of the United States as a Republic, to the contentious struggles for equality in the 20th and 21st centuries, this reference traces the development of the Gay Rights Movement through the examination of primary source materials related to the incremental changes toward making America safe for all people.
ABC-CLIO. (248 pages). ISBN: 978-1-4408-5501-6.
To purchase this book, visit ABC-Clio.

Editor and writer for 3-volume reference set on LGBT issues.
In June of 2015, the United State Supreme Court issued an opinion that directly impacted the lives of many LGBT Americans: in Obergefell v. Hodges, the court required all states to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples and to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other jurisdictions. While many activists consider this a major achievement, LGBT individuals still face a number of pressing issues. In Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Americans at Risk, editor Chuck Stewart and a carefully selected group of contributors unravel these far-reaching concerns. The book is a cutting-edge resource for academics, activists, scholars, students, and lay people who are interested in examining LGBT social and political movements as well as the public policy progress and setbacks of recent years. Three volumes of essays by experts in a variety of fields delve deeply into primary sources to tackle important topics such as transgender adolescents, alcohol and drug abuse, and the massacre at Pulse gay nightclub, along with dozens of others. Organized by life stages, this comprehensive work sheds light on concerns and controversies affecting youth, adults, and seniors connected to the LGBT community.
Praeger and ABC-CLIO. (839 pages). ISSN: 978-1-4408-3235-2
To purchase this book, visit: ABC-Clio.
WINNER of the 2018 American Book Fest best book award in the category of LGBTQ Non-fiction.

Editor and writer for 3-volume reference set on LGBT culture, politics, and history in the United States.
With the social, religious, and political stigmas attached to alternative lifestyles throughout history, most homosexuals, bisexuals, and transgender people lived covertly for much of, if not all of, their lives. Likewise, the narrative of our country excludes the contributions, struggles, and historical achievements of this group. This revealing, chronologically arranged reference work uncovers the rich story of the LGBT community in the United States and discusses the politics, culture, and issues affecting it since the early 17th century.
Author Chuck Stewart traces the evolution of LGBT issues as part of our nation’s shared cultural past and modern-day experience. Volume 1 focuses on the origins of the movement with the founding of Jamestown in 1607 through the 1970s and the beginning of gay rights activism in the United States. Volume 2 spans the 1980s and the AIDs pandemic through the present-day issues of marriage equality. Volume 3 gives a concise review of this society in each of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.
ABC-CLIO. (1324 pages). ISBN 978-1-61069-398-1
To purchase this book, visit: ABC-Clio.

Editor and writer for collection of essays that dive deep into today’s top health-related issues, exploring their historical contexts, current complexities, impacts on physical and mental well-being, and global reach. ABC-CLIO. ISBN: 978-1-61069-459-9
To purchase this book, visit: ABC-Clio.

Editor and writer for collection of essays on same-sex marriage. ABC-CLIO. ISBN: 978-1-59884-047-6.
To purchase this book, visit: ABC-Clio.

Editor and writer of 3-volume reference set on LGBT culture, politics, and history worldwide.
This set has an ambitious scope with the goal of offering the most up-to-date international overview of key issues in the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals. HIV/AIDS has been a major media focus, but this set fosters a broader understanding of the status of LGBT individuals in their society. More than 70 countries are represented. The clear, accessible prose is appropriate for high school student research on up. The material is especially needed in a cultural climate that increasingly supports and requires information about LGBT populations. The content is useful for a paper on a hot topic, health classes, discussion groups, and gay-straight alliance groups.
Greenwood and ABC-CLIO. (1282 pages). ISBN: 978-0-313-34231-8
To purchase this book, visit: ABC-Clio.

Writer for collection of almost 100 essays on “Affirmative Action,” “AIDS,” “Gay and Lesbian Rights,” “Gay Parenting,” “Gender Politics,” “Explore,” and more.
ABC-CLIO, ISBN 978-1-59884-560-0
To purchase this book, visit: ABC-Clio.

Gay and Lesbian Issues: A Reference Handbook traces the developments, people, and organizations responsible for bringing homosexual issues to the public’s attention. In addition to exploring such controversial issues as gays in the military and child adoption, this title discusses court decisions, pivotal events, and key individuals like Magnus Hirschfeld, Radclyffe Hall, and Harvey Milk, the San Francisco town supervisor who along with Mayor George Moscone was murdered by ex-supervisor Dan White.
ABC-CLIO Publishers. (403 pages). ISBN 978-1-85109-372-4
To purchase this book, visit: ABC-Clio.

A comprehensive overview of homosexuality and the law, this fascinating dictionary opens with a history of the Gay Rights Movement which started in Germany during the l860s with Karl Heinrich Ulrich, the “Grandfather of Gay Liberation,” who wrote 12 books including, Researches on the Riddle of Love Between Men. Homosexuals were later herded into Nazi concentration camps, where 50,000 of them died. When the war ended, Allied commanders forced homosexuals to finish their prison sentences.
This book has 112 entries on subjects such as absurd sex laws, the Crittendon Report, the Boy Scouts, the l996 Defense of Marriage Act, surgical alterations, discrimination, sodomy, loitering, wills, and more. A nearly 100-page appendix details state and local laws. The book includes a list of advocacy organizations and other references, a table of cases, and an extensive bibliography.
ABC-CLIO Publishers. (413 pages). ISBN 978-1-57607-267-7
To purchase this book, visit: ABC-Clio.
Out-of-Print works by Chuck Stewart

This is the most comprehensive book written on the problem of LEAD in residential real estate. Besides presenting legal requirements and academic and biomedical research on the hazards of lead, the book presents a fully integrated plan that assist property owners, managers and supervisors toward complying with federal (EPA, OSHA, HUD), state (DHS, OSHA, OLPPP, DTSC, AQMD), and local laws. The book is fully illustrated. The appendix contains more than 27 forms, legislation, notices, safety plans and more— all cleaned up for legibility. Many forms are in English, Spanish, and Chinese. Inserted at the back are: (a) Work Planning Form, (b) EPA Pamphlet in English and Spanish, and (c) CDC Lead Paint Safety guide. The book will help owners and management companies keep their employees trained and current with the law.
Perfect bound, 8 ½” x 11” (516 pages).
SES Publications. ISBN 0-9764154-3-7
May be updated and rereleased in 2024.

The most comprehensive book written on the problem of MOLD in residential real estate. Besides presenting legal requirements and academic and biomedical research on the hazards of mold, the book presents a fully integrated plan that assist property owners, managers, and supervisors toward complying with federal (EPA, OSHA) guidelines, state and local laws. The book is fully illustrated. The appendix contains more than 7 forms, legislation, notices, safety plans and more— all cleaned up for legibility. Many forms are in English and Spanish. Inserted at the back are (a) Work Planning Form, (b) DHS pamphlet in English and Spanish, and (c) EPA Guidelines. The book will help owners and management companies keep their employees trained and current with the law.
Perfect bound, 8 ½” x 11” (140 pages).
SES Publications. ISBN 0-9764154-4-5
May be updated and rereleased in 2024

Los Angeles: Gay & Lesbian Police Advisory Task Force 175-page curriculum and teaching materials used in the Los Angeles Police Academy and distributed nation-wide for use by law enforcement agencies.
May be updated and rereleased in 2024.

This is the definitive training manual on the subject, with more than 450-pages (200,000 words), topic papers, overhead transparencies, cartoons, photographs, and 44 classroom activities. Newbury Park: SAGE Publishing. ISBN 0-7619-1410-2
May be updated and rereleased in 2024